Business Thursday, March 27

Contact Us

Are you a passionate writer or an expert in your field? At Mahalsa Publications, we welcome individuals who want to share their stories, insights, and expertise with our readers. Join our community and inspire others with your words.

Our Mission

Our purpose is to amplify diverse voices and perspectives, celebrating the richness of human experiences. We embrace viewpoints of all kinds, representing various orientations, beliefs, and backgrounds. Mahalsa Publications is committed to promoting:

  • Diverse perspectives and voices
  • Inclusivity and equality
  • Empowerment and self-expression
  • Women’s rights and feminism
  • Body positivity and self-acceptance
  • Nurturing the best in each other

Our Tone

We maintain a friendly, encouraging, and professional tone in our content. We believe in the power of positivity, and our stories are written with an upbeat and open-minded approach. At Mahalsa Publications, we’re your friendly guides, here to provide valuable advice and insights.

Topics We Love

We have a wide range of interests, and we encourage creative and insightful content. Some of the topics we love include:

  • Personal essays
  • Fitness experiments
  • Beauty product reviews and tutorials
  • Life tips
  • Nostalgia for Gen Z and Millennials
  • Shopping guides
  • Relationship, wedding, or birth stories
  • Theories about TV or movies
  • Relatable listicles on various subjects


We believe in honesty, authenticity, and providing a service to our readers. Here are some guidelines to follow when contributing to Mahalsa Publications:

  • Be authentic and let your personality shine in your writing.
  • We welcome edgy topics but avoid resorting to shock value.
  • Treat your subjects with respect, and write as if you were speaking to them face-to-face.
  • Always aim to provide valuable insights or advice to our readers.
  • Be clever in your writing, but avoid being salacious or snarky.
  • Use slang and abbreviations sparingly.
  • Keep headlines and main images safe for work.

Content Submission

All submissions must be original content that you own the rights to and haven’t been previously published. Fact-check your story and provide sources for any information you include. While original photography isn’t required, high-resolution images that are at least 1456 pixels wide can enhance your submission.

To submit your story to our team, please use our Submissions section on the dashboard. We value your contributions and will reach out if we’d like to publish your story.

Email to [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about writing for us? Here are some FAQs:

  • Word Count: We’re flexible, but aim for between 800-1200 words.
  • Story Submission: Please submit a full draft for our editors to review.
  • Response Time: You should hear back within 30 days of submitting your story.
  • App or Access: Once you sign up, you’ll have access to our user-friendly dashboard.
  • Including Photos: While not mandatory, including personal photos can enhance your story.
  • Republishing: Please don’t republish original content from Mahalsa Publications elsewhere, but feel free to promote it on your social accounts and personal blog.

We look forward to hearing your unique voice and sharing your stories with our readers.